The Victoria Native Friendship Centre needed a system which could help track youth empowerment, gender-based violence, and impacts of services on program participants. To do this, one part was a data system which could track progress markers, and report on a number of key factors.
The team needed to know how effective the programs were, how to improve the programs using data-driven insights, and to create meaningful reports to advocate for funding from funders. These programs were accomplishing a lot with a limited amount of resources, and so we began the task of creating something that would bring value to these teams and their participants.
Over the course of months, we performed a needs assessment, engaged with the teams, came up with designs, and eventually began the development process. We knew the system had to be easy to use, without the need for any training, so that the staff would face almost no barriers to adopting it.
The result was a lightweight but effective system which tracked participants that came into the program, what services they received, what challenges they were facing which brought them to the program, and their progress through the program. As the system just launched, we continue to provide support post launch. We’re excited to see how the teams use the system to support their programs and participants, and how the programs grow from strong data-driven reporting.