ISPARC Healthy Living Management System

A laptop showing a graph generated by the ISPARC system.

ISPARC is a large provincial organization that aims to improve the health of Indigenous people by encouraging physical activity across communities and by expanding access to sport and recreation opportunities. The Healthy Living section of ISPARC helps train and manage leaders who wish to bring activities to their own communities.

ISPARC approached us hoping to find a system that was able to track and manage all their leader applications across the years. We designed custom software that would allow leaders to fill out all the required forms online, and where the ISPARC team could view and manage them easily.

The main challenge came from trying to combine their current processes, spread across many different physical and on-line formats, into a single, manageable workflow. The new system’s built-in forms allow on-line submission for leaders, who can then view their progress, as well as enable notifications and form management for the ISPARC team.

Timely, detailed reporting is a priority for ISPARC, and they needed a very large and robust reporting module. The built-in system allows the ISPARC team to find the exact information they are looking for quickly, and then export it as an excel file for submitting.

Our back-end system built for Healthy Living programming has supported over 2,400 members in receiving $1,000 to support Healthy Living initiatives within their Communities. That’s approximately $2.4 million in funding to promote sport and health since 2020.

“Ursa’s help allowed us to pivot and deliver our programs online when Community needed it most. We would have not been able to do this without them.” – Robynne Edgar, Director of Healthy Living (and all fun things).